Setting up a New Subscription: Activating Admin Account and Accessing the Wellics™ Platform

      Activating Your Admin Account

      If you're setting up a new Wellics™ subscription, follow these steps to activate your Admin account:

      1. Check Email Confirmation:

        • Once your organization has been successfully registered on the Wellics™ platform, you will receive an email titled "Registration to Wellics™ Wellness Platform."
        • Open this email to proceed with the activation process.

      2. Activate Account:

        • Click the "Activate Account" button provided in the email.
        • Fill in the required username and password.
        • Check the consent option (first).
        • Click the "Agree and Setup Account" button to complete the activation process.

      Accessing the Wellics™ Platform

      As an Administrator, upon logging into the Wellics™ platform, you will gain access to a designated area with various options highlighted in yellow:

      1. Your Employees’ Focus:

        • Access educational resources delivered monthly, focusing on specific well-being dimensions each quarter.

      2. Your Employees’ Journey:

        • Explore the Wellics™ Index to track your employees' well-being journey with a numerical representation.
        • Choose from standard wellness metrics or create custom ones to set goals and monitor trends.

      3. + Button (Yellow):

      4. Your Employees’ Challenges:

      5. Your Employees’ Rewards:

        • View leaderboards showcasing your employees' achievements to identify power users and wellness supporters.
        • Promote a well-being culture in your organization.

      6. Your Employees:

        • Invite employees to the Wellics™ platform.
        • Manage registered employees and remove access for those no longer needing it.

      7. Your Profile > Organization Info:

        • Add information about your organization.

      For any additional assistance or inquiries, refer to the Wellics™ Knowledgebase or contact our support team.